Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, was arrested at an airport close to Paris on Saturday, reportedly as a part of a preliminary investigation into the app’s lax strategy to moderation and failure to curb potential felony actions, in keeping with , which cites the French information retailers BFM and TF1. Telegram can also be reportedly being accused of not cooperating with police. Durov was taken into custody after arriving at Le Bourget airport on a personal jet, Reuters reported.
Telegram is among the hottest social media platforms on the earth, and is broadly utilized in elements of Europe and Asia particularly. Durov that it was nearing one billion energetic month-to-month customers. The app makes use of end-to-end encryption and helps teams containing tens of 1000’s of members, permitting mass sharing of data and uncensored content material. In line with the , the considerations of the present investigation embrace the app’s failure to crack down on drug trafficking, little one sexual abuse supplies, and fraudulent actions.
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